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Subject: Re: [boost] Want to contribute, need advice.
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-03 09:49:34


On 07/02/2013 07:34 PM, Manmohit Rekhi wrote:
> Am Manmohit Rekhi, a 2nd year computer engineering student at Nirma
> university, India. I have some programming experience in c and c++. Am
> interested in contributing to Boost, and would like to ask a few questions,
> to help me get started. I would be really grateful is, i could get the
> following questions answered.
> 1) Do i need to be familiar with the code of the standard c++ libraries,
> and if so, where do i start?

You should be familiar with using the standard library,
but you don't need to know about the implementation.

> 2) What other per-requisites are there?
> 3) Where do i start reading the boost libraries(i mean which file to read
> first)?

Are there any areas that you're specifically interested in?
Boost is a collection of many libraries. There's a list

If you want to contribute to Boost, here are some things
you can do:
- Follow this mailing list and participate in
  the discussions.
- Look at tickets at and add test cases
  and/or patches.
- Implement an algorithm and submit it for Boost.Algorithm.
- If you have an idea for a new library, propose it
  on this list.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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