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Subject: Re: [boost] [shared_array] Why not in C++11 ?
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-08 11:54:03

Rob Stewart wrote:

> That's error-prone. Why not provide (non-zero) capacity when using
> make_shared(), and leave the non-make_shared() usage with a zero capacity?

That's not very convenient. Suppose you get a T* from some place and need to
pass shared_ptr<T[]> to another that requires a known size. You know the
size, but you won't be able to pass it.

It's also error prone. If you have an interface that takes shared_ptr<T[]>
and size_t, you can tell that the code is passing a size by mere visual
inspection. But if the function only takes a shared_ptr<T[]>, and if
shared_ptr<T[]> might or might not have a size, it's not immediately obvious
whether you are passing a size or not. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't;
we'll have to wait until runtime and see.

Finally, zero is technically a legitimate value for the size, signifying an
empty array, so overloading it to denote "unknown" may not be the best

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