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Subject: Re: [boost] [RPC] Boost.Asio to write *concurrency ready* code
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-08-28 12:49:39

On 28 Aug 2013 at 12:48, microcai wrote:

> After digging into the proposed Boost.Afio library, I am afraid that
> Boost.Afio *does not* meet my standard of what a *good* library is.
> Boost.Afio seems to support both async and sync operation, but obversely
> they failed to design the proper API. Boost.Afio relay on Boost.Asio, but
> they seems to ignore the elegant Asio Style. They didn't even understand
> what makes Boost.Asio a good library.

"They" would be me. I designed the AFIO API. I also implemented most
of AFIO before the port to Boost by Paul under this year's Google
Summer of Code funding.

> A good library is not about good features (although its importand) but
> about element API.
> For async file I/O, the asio style API like this
> boost::asio::fstream file(io_service);
> file.async_open("test.txt", "r", & handle_open );
> that is way more powerfull that the complex
> auto mkfile(dispatcher->file(async_path_op_req(mkdir,
> "testdir/foo", file_flags::Create|file_flags::ReadWrite)));
> The api that Boost.Afio choose is too complex yet too stupid.
> You might argue on me that the job which Boost.Afio tries to solve is
> complex, but that doesn't be a good excuse to design such stupid API.
> Boost.Afio is stupid.

I designed the AFIO API. I also implemented most of AFIO. You are
therefore implying that I am stupid.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but I would personally
say that AFIO has an intuitive, Intellisense-friendly, elegant API
which really leverages C++11 to achieve an ease of programming very
hard to achieve (with performance) in C++03, and unparalleled
cleanliness and elegance compared to any other async file i/o
implementation. For comparison I would refer you to the libuv C
library which is the nearest equivalent, and to the Windows IOCP
implementation. I think you will find that AFIO compares *extremely*
favourably to its nearest equivalents.

It is more verbose in the single-issue API than it could be, but that
is because AFIO is 100% a pure asynchronous batch API. The single
issue APIs quite literally create a batch of one item, and call the
batch API.

The reason it is a pure asynchronous batch API is because AFIO is
designed for exceptional file i/o performance: if you only need to
write a few files mostly sequentially, STL iostreams are pretty good.
If you need to scatter gun random writes and reads across dozens of
files simultaneously and memory mapped file i/o isn't an option, STL
iostreams - or Boost.Iostreams for that matter - will max out the CPU
long before maxing out the storage.

The reason AFIO "ignores the elegant Asio Style" is because the ASIO
design is intended for non-seekable devices such as sockets and
pipes. With file i/o, you very specifically need to specify the
*ordering* *constraints* of reads and writes or else you will lose
data (equally, not being able to say "I don't care about the commit
order of this particular batch, so write it as fast as possible" is
bad for performance). That can be done by hand with ASIO, but it
involves lots of error and race condition prone verbose ordering
control logic. AFIO relieves the programmer of all that marshalling
work: you simply tell AFIO your dependencies, and AFIO figures out
the ideal execution graph for you.

> As the "closure execution engine", Boost.Asio already have that, there
> is absolutly no point in investigating yet another Boost.Asio for what
> ever reasons.

I think you don't understand what a closure execution engine does.
AFIO implements a superset of Microsoft's closure engine (see,
most specifically in the form of dependency tied completions in
addition to independent completions. Most closure engines presented
to WG21 to date only implement the latter, mainly because they make
avoiding race conditions far easier especially if you are maintaining
Abrahams exception safety guarantees. AFIO gets away with the former
mainly through being so simple a design I can walk it line by line
for logic errors, and as of last week I believe it to be now race
condition free except in the case where one runs out of memory (unit
testing for that is coming).

As an example of what AFIO's unusual flexibility makes possible, I
believe it makes crazy-but-sane ideas like Google's "C++ pipelines"
very tractable. It ought to be straightforward to combine AFIO and
Boost.iostreams to implement N3534, though I admit I have no idea if
performance would be acceptable. It would be extremely cool however.


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