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Subject: Re: [boost] [thread] semaphore
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-09-22 19:56:12

On 9/22/2013 9:30 AM, Quoth Niall Douglas:
> On Intel, it's very tough to debug relaxed memory order code as Intel
> does very litle reordering relative to other CPUs.
> ARM is better, but I believe it needs an Alpha to really get the bugs
> out.
> There is, surely, some magic tool for LLVM somewhere which will
> output all programs doing all possible reordering combinations for
> some bit of code. That would reveal bugs even on Intel.

I used "Relacy Race Detector" a while back to test some lock-free
algorithms. It does require a little bit of rewriting to instrument the
code but it's pretty straightforward.

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