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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost Serialization on Sun Solaris with rwtools7_std
From: Lars Viklund (zao_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-17 20:46:32

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 05:15:41PM -0500, Brian Wood wrote:
> From: Duc Tran:
> > That's not all errors, still have many.
> > Unfortunately, my company is unable to sponsor it. I have to do it myself.
> > Do you have any suggestions?
> I have alternative serialization approach. Unlike traditional
> library approach most of the code only runs on one platform
> as an on line code generator. I believe this makes porting to
> other platforms simpler than traditional approach. I'm willing
> to port my software to Solaris if you are interested. It should
> be easy. It would be nice to have someone to ask about
> Solaris install/admin questions.
> Additionally I'm willing to donate 15 hours/week for six months
> on a project that uses my software.

It is probably useful to know that on the OP's platform there are
several different "standard libraries", none of which is overly
compliant with the C++ standard.

There are gaping holes in the functionality provided (iterator_traits
missing, for example) and the compiler isn't that stellar either.

Most people as far as I understand it use the shipped alternative
stlport4 standard library on the platform, leaving the RW one the OP
uses for software that needs binary compatibility with something.

The compiler suite (SunStudio 12) seems to be available in some form
behind an Oracle account wall, and if you're lucky it may run on one of
the less commercial Solaris variants.

You're pretty much going to have to have a live (VM) system to develop
against, as the compiler and library quirks are quite unpreditable.

I did some testing with a work machine and could reproduce the OP's
errors, so it's at least something that can be worked on outside of his
environment given a properly configured machine.

Lars Viklund | zao_at_[hidden]

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