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Subject: Re: [boost] [modularization] Modularizing Boost (modularization)
From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-18 08:19:16

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Stephen Kelly <steveire_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> my plan for modularizing and modernizing Boost was roughly this:
> * Phase 0 - remove dead weight by bumping compiler feature requirements
> * Phase 1 - move some files around so that the modularized repos form a
> mostly directed graph
> * Phase 2 - Form some kind of 'boost core library' or 'boost feature
> normalization library' from the guts of existing libraries like
> type_traits, static_assert, config mpl and utilities.
> * Phase 3 - Try to port the mpl to variadic templates so that the
> dependency on Boost.PP is not needed when variadic templates are available.
Herb Sutter has pointed out that approximately 15 months from now all
widely used compilers and their libraries will be C++11/14 compliant,
modulo residual bugs. At that point C++11/14 boost (2.x?) becomes a viable

C++11/14 boost would have a markedly different dependency graph, since
libraries would only use the boost versions of other libraries if they
needed some extension not present in the standard library version.

It might be helpful to start figuring out how we can do the transition to a
C++11 (and then 14) world.


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