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Subject: Re: [boost] [build] Default compiler options for a toolset
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-11-18 23:08:56

On 19/11/2013 16:48, Quoth Edward Diener:
> There are 4 lines of C++FLAGS
> toolset.flags msvc.compile C++FLAGS
> <exception-handling>on/<asynch-exceptions>off/<extern-c-nothrow>off :
> /EHs ;
> toolset.flags msvc.compile C++FLAGS
> <exception-handling>on/<asynch-exceptions>off/<extern-c-nothrow>on :
> /EHsc ;
> toolset.flags msvc.compile C++FLAGS
> <exception-handling>on/<asynch-exceptions>on/<extern-c-nothrow>off : /EHa ;
> toolset.flags msvc.compile C++FLAGS
> <exception-handling>on/<asynch-exceptions>on/<extern-c-nothrow>on : /EHac ;
> How is a particular one chosen ?

I've never really looked into it, but it's pretty clear from the above
that it will select whichever line matches the AND-combination of the
settings on that line. So eg. you'll get /EHs if exception-handling=on
and asynch-exceptions=off and extern-c-nothrow=off.

As for those settings, they'll either be defined in project-config.jam
or one of the library, compiler, or builtin jam files. (Presumably
searched in that order.) But that's just a guess.

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