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Subject: Re: [boost] Git: maintaining super-project
From: Alexander Lamaison (awl03_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-09 06:56:04

Philippe Vaucher <philippe.vaucher_at_[hidden]> writes:

>> Git submodules make it very explicit what was intended to link to what.
>> If you want to change the linkage you have to do it _explicitly_ by
>> committing an updated submodule link. That way noone is left confused
>> about what the commit author really intended.
>> Yes, this confused me horribly when I started using git too. Now I
>> can't imagine why I ever wanted it otherwise.
> I think it's worth mentionning that git can track the tip of a branch now:

If I'm understanding it correctly, that doesn't change things to
automatically update the submodule to the tip; it just makes it easier
to guide the manual updating along a particualr branch?


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