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Subject: Re: [boost] [algorithm] Review Request: edit_distance
From: Erik Erlandson (eje_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-01-28 21:11:42

----- Original Message -----

> > Documentation:
> >
> I realize that your documentation is for an algorithm, and not a library, but
> you would do well to give use cases to which it applies and even flesh out
> one of them in a tutorial.

Both of those seem like good ideas. I've had an idea for a tutorial in the back of my mind, where I would write a rudimentary unix-diff style program.

That reminds me of a question. One angle I thought would be fun is if I could use a range (or iterator) that iterates directly over lines in a text file (analogous to how you can say "for line in File" in python). Mostly just to show that you can use any exotic kind of range you want to. I don't know if such an iterator exists, or if it is forward and not just single-pass. It seems like something somebody would have already written, but my googling hasn't turned one up.

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