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Subject: [boost] [gsoc2014] This year's students announced
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-04-21 20:15:13

Dear Boost,

We are pleased to announce that the following eight students will be
this year's Google Summer of Code for 2014:

1. Anton Bikineev
Mentor: Christopher Kormanyos
Topic:Boost.Math Generalized Hypergeometric Functions

2. Ian Forbes
Mentor: Tim Blechmann
Topic: Boost.Thread Scheduled Executors

3. Louis Dionne
Mentor: Joel Falcou
Topic: A C++11 template metaprogramming library

4. Mark Lingle
Mentor: David Bellot
Topic: Boost.uBlas: Optimization via Smart Templating and a Tree
Optimizer class

5. Roshan
Mentor: Kyle Lutz
Topic: Expand and Improve Boost.Compute

6. Saksham Maheshwari
Mentor: Stefan Seefeld
Topic: Boost.XML - A Standard XML Library

7. Thaler Benedek
Mentor: Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Topic: Boost.Pipeline

8. Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira
Mentor: Bjorn Reese
Topic: HTTP server on Boost

At US$5,000 funding per student, this represents an investment of
US$40,000 into Boost by Google this year, for which we are extremely
grateful. Our thanks to everyone in Google who makes this happen
every year.

With so few slots available from Google some very good candidates and
proposals could not be selected, so if you were not selected this
year, better luck next year (remember to come early!).
Congratulations to the students who did make it, and our collective
thanks go to the primary mentors above for taking the time this
summer, as well to the secondary mentors not listed above as well as
everyone who helped out with the proposal review and the ranking and
voting this year.

Niall & Boris

Boost C++ Libraries Google Summer of Code 2014 admin

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at