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Subject: Re: [boost] [intrusive] Possible bug in bstree_algorithms.hpp
From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-10 17:06:48

El 10/09/2014 22:30, Lars Hagström escribió:
> Ok, so what should I check for now? You kinda lost me. :-)

If merge_with_prev is true, check if prev_block is in the multiset, if
merge_with_next is true, check if next_block is in the multiset.

If an error happens then we have 3 possibilities:

- "block" is not a correctly allocated memory block (bad pointer passed
to priv_deallocate)
- "block"->m_prev_size was corrupted by some memory overwrite error
(then prev_block can't be reliable computed)
- "block"->m_size was corrupted by some memory overwrite error (then
prev_block can't be reliable computed)


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