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Subject: Re: [boost] [EXTERNAL] [testing] mpl/core tests not visible
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-14 03:46:41

On Saturday 13 September 2014 22:54:48 Belcourt, Kenneth wrote:
> No, this definitely worked fine before (i.e. worked without having to run
> 'b2 headers’). For example, the nightly testers (Sandia-darwin) only broke
> following the push to MPL because they always start from a clean directory
> with nothing checked out or installed. Since the nightly testers don’t run
> ‘b2 headers’, that means that b2 was able to correctly install the headers
> needed to build process_jam_log during the testing process. The ability to
> correctly install the headers for the targets being built is what’s
> currently broken, unless someone does a ‘b2 headers’ first to install
> everything.

I think I know why it worked before. Before the change the boost/mpl directory
was a link to libs/mpl/include/boost/mpl. The link was created due to a
dependency on some public MPL header, but it 'installed' all MPL headers,
including those that were not discovered by Boost.Build due to preprocessor
tricks. Now every file in boost/mpl is a link, and the problem appears on the

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