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Subject: Re: [boost] [static_if] Is there interest in a `static if` emulation library?
From: Sohail Somani (sohail_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-18 15:42:19

On 2014-09-01, 11:00 AM, Robert Ramey wrote:
> OK I see this now. I've used my method on a regular basis with good
> results - but it seems that I never had a case where the compile
> would fail on the false branch so it never came up for me.

Actually, I've used your method (not sure if it *is* yours, but I saw it
in serialization code) for cases where it wouldn't compile on the false
branch. In the linked example, there are 4 cases, but same idea as I
think where you used it in serialization.

The idea is something like this:

template<typename T>
void do_whatever_impl(boost::mpl::true_) {

template<typename T>
void do_whatever_impl(boost::mpl::false_) {
   // no T::whatever()

template<typename T>
void do_whatever() {

PS: I know I have to change to make_shared, just too lazy right now.

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