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Subject: Re: [boost] [optional] operator<(optional<T>, T) -- is it wrong?
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-12-02 19:31:03

On 2 Dec 2014 at 17:40, Howard Hinnant wrote:

> > Out of curiosity I went and looked up what Python did to solve this
> > (here's the discussion: In the
> > end, they simply XOR salted the hash with a cryptographically
> > generated random number produced at process launch (source:
> >
> > and carried on with their previous algorithm.
> Here is a very short python script:
> which appears to recover those random salts for the process. I tried it
> out on 2.7.5 and it appears to work really well.

This is as expected, as Pythons before 3.3 require a special
environment variable to be set to turn on the secure hash. Apparently
many Python programs assume the order of the standard hash algorithm,
so they couldn't just turn it on without years of warning about the

I just tried your script on Python 3.4 and got 0 candidate solutions
whereas 2.7 does yield solutions. I don't claim their chosen solution
is foolproof, but Python probably does see a lot more untrusted
inputs than probably C++ does. If there were a gaping security hole
there, we would surely have heard about it.


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