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Subject: [boost] [compute] kernels as strings impairs readability and maintainability
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-12-23 12:02:14


While reading through the code of Boost.Compute to see what it does and
how it does it, I often found that the approach used by the library of
putting all OpenCL kernels inside of strings was an annoying limitation
and made it quite difficult to reason with them, much less debug or
maintain them.
This has a negative effect on the effort needed to contribute to the

Has separate compilation been considered?
Put the OpenCL code into .cl files, and let the build system do whatever
is needed to transform them into a form that can be executed.

This would also make it easier to eventually provide a CUDA backend.

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