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Subject: Re: [boost] Road to low-quality-code is paved with good intentions of dropping dependencies
From: Daniel James (dnljms_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-01-09 10:14:05

On 8 January 2015 at 05:27, Peter Dimov <lists_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Daniel James wrote:
>> Hash isn't the package 'functional', it's in the git submodule
>> 'functional'.
> It's also in the package 'functional' (that is, it resides in the directory
> libs/functional and the package script and bpm at the moment do not support
> finer resolution than libs/*)

They probably should support a finer resolution, there are several
examples of this in boost.

> and in the module 'functional' (it doesn't
> have its own include/ directory and is therefore not recognized as a
> submodule by boostdep).

I would like to use 'libs/functional/hash/include' but our tools don't
support it. There was an attempt to reorganise mpl along those lines,
but it was abandoned. If it had been successful I would have done the

> It should just be in libs/hash.

But it isn't. I'm not going to waste time moving things around now.
I've already spent enough time cleaning up after other people moved
things around. Maybe in the future.

> For hash_fwd, we could in principle create a repository libs/fwd that will
> host all forwarding headers. This could be a good place for
> boost/detail/container_fwd.hpp, which currently resides in Detail for lack
> of a better home.

It's in detail because it shouldn't be public. It also has a different
purpose to forwarding headers for boost libraries, so 'fwd' wouldn't
be a good place for it.

Anyway, it doesn't even work properly on most modern standard
libraries (because of the way they use namespaces), and has to fall
back to just including a load of standard headers, so it probably
should be deprecated and eventually removed.

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