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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc15] Attn: We need 2015 mentors and project ideas for Boost!
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-01-12 17:08:46

On 12 Jan 2015 at 13:32, Robert Ramey wrote:

> Niall Douglas wrote
> > over $50,000 of Google funding brought to Boost in 2014
> This is quite a surprise to me. I would be curious to know more about it.
> Could you point to a more detailed breakdown on this number?


You made an excellent catch. This morning, before coffee, I
multiplied US$6000 by 8 in my head and somehow came up with $54,000,
rather than $48,000 which is the correct amount. I should have used
Calc, I knew it then but I was in a rush. I'll correct the value next
GSoC reminder email.

To break that down as requested, last year $5,500 went to each
student, and $500 to each mentor, making $6000 per slot awarded, and
we received eight slots in 2014.

Apologies to everyone for the bad mental arithmetic.


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