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Subject: Re: [boost] [type_traits] Rewrite and dependency free version
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-01-15 14:14:59

John Maddock wrote:
> > boost::is_function<void() const> says 0, even in C++11 mode.
> Peter, can you file a bug report so this doesn't get lost?


While looking at this, I also noticed that BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TYPE_TRAITS is
set for g++ and clang, even though they do have <type_traits>. The config
test fails because they don't have is_trivially_* and aligned_union. Fair
enough, but the rest of the traits are there and usable, so I'm not entirely
sure about this.

Of course, if we get the new and improved Boost.Type_traits, there might be
no reason to ever use the std:: ones directly, provided that the Boost
traits are never inferior to the std:: ones. (That is, where there's
disagreement, we should be correct and the std:: trait wrong. :-) )

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