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Subject: Re: [boost] Windows XP support survey
From: Gevorg Voskanyan (gevbsd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-05-07 18:39:55

On 06.05.2015 14:03, Niall Douglas wrote:
> [snip]

> However Visual Studio 2012
> cannot run on XP, nor by default can produce binaries which execute
> on XP,

Slight note on the above: that doesn't apply to all types of binaries,
but only to EXE files. DLLs produced with a non-"_xp" toolset work just
fine under Windows XP. In one of my projects I've put all the code in a
DLL that is built regularly with the default toolset, and then I have a
minimal EXE built with the _xp toolset that just forwards main()'s
arguments to the DLL. That way the EXE never has to change, so there is
no need to invoke the _xp toolset ever again even though the application
undergoes heavy development and continues to work fine under Win XP.


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