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Subject: Re: [boost] Some statistics about the C++ 11/14 mandatoryBoostlibraries
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-05-13 20:05:00

Stefan Seefeld wrote:

> I want to be able to
> * fetch the sources of a specific boost library from the repository
> (that's now possible)
> * only build that library, using pre-built and pre-installed versions of
> all prerequisites (that's not yet possible)

That's possible in principle, but not very practical.

Suppose the library L uses X and Y, with Y using X. You have X and Y
installed as binary packages in /usr/include and /usr/lib.

But the library requires a newer version of X than what you've installed. So
you fetch the source of X as well and build it. Now L builds, but Y is built
against the preinstalled older X, whereas L is built against the newer X.
ODR violation.

We could... in theory... put every revision of every library into

inline namespace d875a68ceb10081e30529e65ddef47297844e9f8 {

but... well.

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