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Subject: [boost] [bind] Placeholders suggestion, std and boost
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-05-24 21:21:04

I realize that changing boost::bind so by default that placeholders of
the form _n needing some sort of namespace in front of it will break
plenty of code, so I am not suggesting doing that. What I would like to
suggest is a Boost.bind macro, which when used before including
<boost/bind>, would put the boost::bind placeholders of the form _n in a
boost::placeholders namespace.

The reason for this suggestion is so that boost::bind and std::bind can
be similar syntactically enough so that one could choose one or the
other depending on compiler support. Since in the C++ std the
placeholders are in the std::placeholders namespace, having a means to
have the boost::bind placeholders in the boost::placeholders namespace
would be a means to that end.

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