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Subject: Re: [boost] [afio] Formal review of Boost.AFIO
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-08-24 12:35:01

On 8/24/15 4:33 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
> In addition, I personally dislike the "Try AFIO now in online web
> compiler" button. Why does it have to appear on*every* single page
> (there is also a bug that it doesn't appear in some of the reference doc
> sections)? Besides, it doesn't really match the style of the rest of the
> documentation. Which brings me to the "Comments" part, doesn't match the
> style either, which makes it look totally out of place especially since
> it comes from some third party provider, and I am not sure I can trust
> that. It looks especially odd when javascript is disabled. Isn't
> discussing a library and its documentation on a mailing list not enough?

I'm actually very interested in this idea and like to see us
experimenting with it. I've seen it used to very good advantage in the
PHP documentation and have many times thought it would be useful on the
serialization library documentation where users could place comments on
specific pages to help other users and motivate me to update the
documentation. I don't see a need to go into it here too much as it's
really orthogonal to the question of AFIO acceptance, but I just wanted
to highlight this as an interesting topic for future discussion.

Robert Ramey

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