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Subject: Re: [boost] This AFIO review
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-08-29 14:13:31

On 8/29/15 9:33 AM, Ahmed Charles wrote:
> On 8/23/2015 6:54 AM, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>> Could I get some answers from the review manager, please?
> I'm unsure, exactly what questions do you want answered?

The specific question is at the end of Hartmut's post

"Why do we even review a library which is not ready yet? Isn't that a
huge waste of everybody's valuable family time? Could I get some
answers from the review manager, please? "

So I guess he's questioning your judgment about agreeing to be review
manager. I don't think you have to answer this - you made your decision
and we're all going to make it work. I'm sure you didn't expect that
this would turn into such a large amount of work to do right. Maybe we
should make a minor update on some page or another which advises
potential review managers to make a pre-check of the library to get an
idea as to what they are really signing up for.

Other than this, I think the process is working pretty much as it was
intended to.

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