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Subject: Re: [boost] Determining interest in container with efficient random access insert and erase
From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-09-12 11:53:57

On 12/09/2015 14:47, Chris Clearwater wrote:
> That makes sense. It may not be the best fit for Boost.Container. FWIW,
> I beleive I support all your requirements except for C++03 support and
> SCARY iterators. I think SCARY iterators should not be terribly hard to
> implement. Am I correct that to be SCARY iterator compatible it is ok to
> parameterize my iterators by allocator::pointer? It's just a problem if
> they depend on the allocator itself?

Scary iterators are not hard. An iterator that depends only on the
pointer type is usually the answer in non-intrusive containers. I don't
know if in a B+Tree an iterator needs to know additional information
about the data structure to perform the iteration.



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