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Subject: Re: [boost] [sort][container] Challenge for sorting experts, an improved stable sort
From: Steven Ross (spreadsort_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-09-20 22:11:25

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 6:09 PM Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to improve insertion times for flat associative containers.
> In range insertions one optimization is to insert the whole range in the
> end of the container and sort the whole vector instead of trying a loop.

> I could try to use std::sort/std::stable_sort but there are some problems:
> -> Non-portable for C++03 compilers and Boost.Move, and Boost.Container
> fully supports those platforms.

Do you have example current users of your library who need this
portability? It would help me to understand an actual use case.

> So I started analyzing several papers and implementations to see if a
> custom implementation was possible, but I felt Boost.Sort could be a
> good place to have that implementation and the Boost community a good
> place to discuss design alternatives.

That's reasonable.

> My initial requirements:
> 1) Stable sort. A non-stable sort is faster and useful for unique keys
> containers, but stable sort can be used initially in all flat containers
> until the non-stable version is implemented.
> 2) Externally supplied auxiliary memory with optionally no auxiliary
> memory at all. It seems that there are newer algorithms like Grailsort
> ( or WikiSort
> ( that claim O(1) memory,
> even no auxiliary buffer, and key comparison and data exchanges with
> complexity O(n*log(n)). However I don't think those implementation
> correctly handle the basic exception guarantee or non-trivially copyable
> types.
> Reason: I want to avoid allocating short-lived temporary memory: if it's
> available I want to pass the extra capacity that flat containers'
> internal vector holds for future insertions.

Please figure out your full set of requirements, state them, and then list
algorithms that fulfill them (if any). Spreadsort and other radix-based
sorts are capable of being stable if you give them enough RAM and structure
the computation properly, and are quite fast properly used. Would it be ok
to have a full copy of pointers to the elements?

> 3) Customization points (without ADL, which IMHO is not customizable
> enough). The sort algorithm should use a SortTraits template parameter
> for basic operations like "move", "swap", "initialized_move". E.g:
> template<class T>
> struct sort_traits
> {
> static? void move(T &from, T &to);
> static? void swap(T &l, T &r);
> static? void uninitialized_move(T &from, void *to);
> static? void destroy(T &from, void *to);
> };
> I don't know if this trait should be stateful or not (static members). I
> could imagine the usefulness of a stateful implementation of sort_traits
> that could store a reference to an allocator so that some special
> "construct" version is used in some operations. Or just a version that
> counts the number of each operation to ease debugging. In any case, a
> stateless version would be enough for most cases.

My inclination is to avoid adding options for users unless they are
absolutely necessary, but if you're confident you'll need this flexibility
in the future it seems reasonable.

> Reason: In Boost.Container, the idea is to use boost::move +
> boost::adl_move_swap in the initial implementation, maybe some
> destructive move implementation in a second iteration if Boost.Move
> implements it. In any case those operations should be customizable by
> the user, independently from the type to be sorted. This also avoids
> unnecessary dependencies in Boost.Sort.
> -> Dependencies: the implementation should only rely on Boost.Core,
> Boost.Config, maybe Boost.TypeTraits and no heavy STL dependencies
> (optionally). Currently Boost.Sort depends on Serialization for
> BOOST_STATIC_WARNING, but I think this is easily solvable, maybe this
> static assert utility should go to the core/utility library.
> Reason: Sort is a low-level algorithm that should avoid pulling unneeded
> dependencies to other boost libraries.

If you're willing to shift the critical dependencies of Boost.Sort into a
smaller library so it doesn't include the world, I'd love that.

> * * *
> I don't know if other Boost libraries could benefit from this new
> stable_sort implementation. Maybe it's too special and I should try to
> write it myself in Boost.Container.
> I would love to hear comments and suggestions from sort experts, this
> might be a common need that could enrich the Boost.Sort library.
> Have you talked with Francisco? He has a promising stable sort that we
were getting close to adding, but he hasn't fixed his test class yet to
eliminate some weirdness in it I've pointed out.

Note: I have very little bandwidth until late December to work on anything,
as I'm on a remote assignment.

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