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Subject: Re: [boost] boost lockfree queue.hpp - alternate implementation w/o compare_exchange
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-10-26 19:29:34

On 27/10/2015 11:05, Gottlob Frege wrote:
> NOTE: None of the above means it is a bad queue; that remains to be
> seen. It is just not lock-free. It may typically perform better than
> lock-free. And lock-free is typically about performance. But note
> that it is also about being robust and deadlock free, etc. So it may
> depend on use cases.

Performance is a tricky subject with lock-free. Often uncontended
performance is worse. But the main reason they exist is to provide
better worst-case guarantees for latency in particular in the face of
contention. (Typically the key improvement is that at least one running
thread can always make forward progress, unlike lock-based structures
where one thread can make progress, but it is not necessarily running.)

> See also, which starts to
> describe my array-based MPMC queue.
> The C++Now version is better, but those videos aren't available yet.
> I'd blame Marshall here, but he's volunteering his own time, so let's
> be patient.
> My queue uses CAS and I don't claim that it is fast. I'm doing it for
> theoretical correctness first. (It also, at least in the video, does
> not yet handle anything beyond ints).

My current favourite mostly-lock-free MPMC queue is Dmitry Vyukov's

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