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Subject: Re: [boost] [err] RFC
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-16 22:28:23

On 17/11/2015 13:45, Domagoj Saric wrote:
> Err enables the library writer to write a single API and a single
> implementation:
> err::fallible_result<bar_t, err_t> foo();
> where fallible_result is the class template that wraps
> temporaries/rvalues returned from functions and its member functions are
> all declared with && (i.e. callable only on rvalues) so you get a
> compiler error if you save it to an auto value and try to do anything
> with it. The two exceptions are the implicit conversion operators to:
> - bar_t, which will either return bar_t or throw err_t and which is used
> for the 'EH code path'
> bar_t my_bar( foo() );
> - err::result_or_error<bar_t, err_t> which is used for the 'oldsk00l
> nothrow error code path'
> err::result_or_error<bar_t, err_t> maybe_bar( foo );
> if ( maybe_bar ) { print( *maybe_bar ); }
> else { log( maybe_bar.error() ); }

Nitpicking on this, now that we're in an auto world it seems like a step
backwards to introduce an API that relies on the declared type of a
variable to alter behaviour. There should be methods on fallible_result
that return these values explicitly instead.

> Also, if the fallible_result rvalue is left uninspected and contains an
> error its destructor will throw (which AFAICT should be safe considering
> it is an rvalue and no other exception can possibly be active at the
> same time)

Throwing from a destructor can cause abrupt termination (or undefined
behaviour in some compilers); there are no conditions in which it should
be considered "safe".

Additionally I'm not convinced that no exception can be active at the
same time. Consider function call parameters -- you could easily have
one of these get constructed but not consumed yet, and then another
parameter throws an exception, resulting in destruction of your object
during the throw of an exception.

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