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Subject: [boost] [boost.process] 0.6 Redesign
From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemens.morgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-04-18 11:35:23


I am currently working on a new version (0.6) of boost.process which
mainly provides a new interface. Most of the underlying features have be
derived from the older boost.process version. By doing all this, I tried
to hide basically all platform-specifics, so that no #ifdefs are
required as in 0.5.
It is somewhat inspired by python and std::thread.

I really hope this can help to make boost.process an official library.

At the current state, I have all functionality in the library that I
want, but it's not polished at all. Also it of course needs more tests
and documentation. But I think it sufficient to get the basic idea.

You can check it out here:
And the little documentation it has is found here:

Additionally here are the development notes:

At the current state, the tests pass on linux as well as windows (gcc-5
& MSVC-14). Requirements are C++, boost.fusion, boost.asio,
boost.iostreams, boost.filesystem and boost.system.

I really could use some feedback and hope you're interested.



Here's some sample code:

child c = execute("program", "param1", std_err > "error.log");

And to show off a little: Or you can modify the environment read the
output into a future, write the input via pipe and redirect stderr to null.

std::future<std::string> fut;
process::pipe p;
asio::io_service io_service;
auto c = execute("other-prog",
                 std_out > fut,
                 std_in < p;
                 std_err > null;

iostreams::streams<iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> str(p.sink());

The child class binds the subprocess analogue to an std::thread, i.e. it
will wait for the process to finished. It can be detached, terminated
and waited for.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at