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Subject: [boost] Boost 1.61.0 has been released
From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-05-13 08:07:50

Release 1.61.0 of the Boost C++ Libraries is now available.

These open-source libraries work well with the C++ Standard Library, and
are usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.

This release contains four new libraries and numerous enhancements and bug
fixes for existing libraries.

New Libraries

* Compute: Parallel/GPU-computing library, from Kyle Lutz.
* DLL: Library for comfortable work with DLL and DSO, from Renato Tegon
Forti and Antony Polukhin
* Hana: A modern C++ metaprogramming library, from Louis Dionne.
* Metaparse: A library for generating compile time parsers parsing embedded
DSL code as part of the C++ compilation process, from Abel Sinkovics.

For details, including download links, see

You can also download directly from SourceForge:

Tom Kent has made pre-built windows binaries, and they are available at:

To install this release on your system, see


--The Boost release team

  Vladimir Prus
  Rene Rivera
  Marshall Clow
  Eric Niebler
  Daniel James
  Beman Dawes

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at