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Subject: [boost] [beast] Separation between parse and generation and asio
From: Felipe Magno de Almeida (felipe.m.almeida_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-11-23 22:45:03


I'm trying Beast with avr-gcc to see how much footprint it would take
on embedded applications. Unfortunately, stream_concepts uses asio
types, which requires asio include which requires network includes
which will obviously fail in most microcontrollers.

Would it be possible to make parse and read implementation less
dependent on each other?

Boost.Spirit x3 works very well on microcontrollers. I'd expect a
different type for messages which could actually receive iterator
pairs for strings with Beast might give a very good option for HTTP/WS
implementation on microcontrollers.


Felipe Magno de Almeida

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