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Subject: Re: [boost] [Boost.Lockfree] Interest in a ringbuffer class
From: Tim Blechmann (tim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-01-26 23:37:15

>> the ringbuffer will be basically using the same algorithm as the
>> spsc_queue under the hood, but basically separate 'algorithm' from
>> 'storage', right?
> That's right, but that's not the main selling point. The idea is to be able
> to store raw buffers of different sizes, without any external storage or
> indirection.

don't get me wrong, i definitely see the use case for this! i'm
wondering about a good way to unify this under a common API.

e.g. i wonder if the spsc_queue could be modified (or specialized for
uint8_t), and provide an API that exposes the internal memory layout to
the user.

i also like the idea to use memory mapping for unwrapping. but again, we
need to find a way to formulate this in a nice API and make it
cross-platform (i don't have any experience on this)

>> i suppose, you already had a look at the code of the spsc_queue already?
> Yes ! I was a bit confused as there is a class called basic_ringbuffer, but
> it's
> mostly there to share some common code, right ?

well, the semantics is a fixed-size single-producer/single consumer
wait-free queue, which is implemented via a ringbuffer. it basically
encapsulates the algorithm without knowing how the memory is allocated ...

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