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Subject: Re: [boost] [review queue] What to do about the library review queue?
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-03-15 21:40:08

degski wrote:

> Because I think the idea is flawed from the start.
> int x = 2 * 2;
> is wrong in principle, correct would be:
> int64_t x = 2 * 2;

That's what the library does (in 'automatic' promotion mode, which should be
only mode in my opinion.) When you multiply two integers, one having range
[0, M] and the other having range [0,N], you get an integer with range [0,
M*N]. So safe<uint32_t> * safe<uint32_t> gives safe<uint64_t> (almost).

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