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Subject: Re: [boost] [partly OT] Re: [review queue] What to do about the library review queue?
From: Oswin Krause (Oswin.Krause_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-03-16 18:09:28


On 2017-03-16 13:03, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
> Oswin Krause wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I doubt that sarcasm will help solve the severe interoperability
>> issues between the very close boost and std versions.
> What severe interoperability issues?
sorry for the slightly late reply.

Interoperability issues between code that is designed using the std::
versions and code using the boost libraries. Starting with: mixing boost
and std libraries as it was intended to be.
boost::shared_ptr is an example that one can get to work [1], however it
is not straight forward(look at all the slightly wrong code out there)
and requires sacrifices in performance. Most other libraries are harder
and the situation is often even undefined. For example, I have no idea
what will happen when I use std::this_thread inside a thread started by
boost::thread. Thus it is hard for me to write code that is agnostic to
the threading library used. However, if i settle for boost::thread i
also have to use boost::chrono. I could use preprocessor macros, but if
I have to deliver a library, I have to make a hard decision.

>> I sometimes wish those libraries got never adopted for this reason.
> By the standard? This would surely have cured the interoperability
> issues.


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