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Subject: [boost] [1.65] [process] Library version outdated
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-09-27 18:28:38


It looks like something is broken in the release procedure, which
resulted in all Boost 1.64.0, 1.65.0 and 1.65.1 to contain the same
revision of Boost.Process 4075371cbe78dab8f43578c655747c831b554318 (you
can see that by git tags). This revision is dated Wed Apr 5 11:32:27
2017, which is more like when 1.64.0 was being prepared.

I know that 1.65 has long sailed, but can the release managers double
check that this doesn't happen in 1.66?

As a possible clue, on the local checkout I didn't have a head for the
master branch for Boost.Process for some reason. I surely wasn't doing
anythhing special with its repository, but maybe something happened on
the remote side that caused this. I solved the problem locally by
removing libs/process, .git/modules/process and running `git submodule
update --init --recursive`.

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