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Subject: [boost] Boost Python library suffix change
From: Stefan Seefeld (stefan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-02-07 02:20:32


I'm proposing a naming change that affects all libraries that use the
`python.jam` build logic, i.e. Boost.Python, as well as libraries
providing Python bindings (as far as I can tell, this is only Boost.MPI,
but perhaps I'm missing some).

At present, the Boost.Python build logic produces a library named
"boost_python", if built with Python2, and "boost_python3", if built
with Python3. I'd like to change that so the actual Python version
suffix (e.g. "27" for Python 2.7) is being used. Not only would this
simplify / unify naming conventions, it also allows users to collocate
libraries compiled against multiple Python versions more easily.

While I could apply this change to Boost.Python only, it seems more
natural to patch Boost.Build itself, in which case any library whose
build logic uses `python.jam` would also be concerned. Again, as far as
I can tell, this only concerns the Boost.MPI Python bindings, but
perhaps I'm missing some. So if you are concerned, please speak up, so
we can discuss any necessary changes.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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