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Subject: [boost] Build breaking changes
From: Antony Polukhin (antoshkka_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-28 20:42:46


I've just noted that building Boost from master stopped working:

[00:16:51] b2.exe -j4 toolset=gcc --layout=system variant=release
architecture=x86 link=static --with-program_options --with-filesystem
--with-system --with-test --with-atomic --with-thread --with-timer
--with-date_time --with-chrono --with-regex --with-random
--with-context stage

[00:16:52] Performing configuration checks
[00:16:52] - default address-model : 32-bit
[00:16:53] - default architecture : x86
[00:16:53] - symlinks supported : yes (cached)
[00:16:54] - C++11 mutex : yes
[00:16:55] - has_icu builds : no
[00:16:55] - BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3.0 : yes
[00:16:55] - C++11 mutex : no
[00:16:56] - has_icu builds : no
[00:16:56] - BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3.0 : no
[00:16:56] error: Name clash for '<pstage\lib>libboost_atomic.a'
[00:16:56] error:
[00:16:56] error: Tried to build the target twice, with property sets having
[00:16:56] error: these incompatible properties:
[00:16:56] error:
[00:16:56] error: - <address-model>64
[00:16:56] error: - <address-model>32
[00:16:56] error:
[00:16:56] error: Please make sure to have consistent requirements for these
[00:16:56] error: properties everywhere in your project, especially for install
[00:16:56] error: targets.
[00:16:56] Command exited with code 1

Previously this build command worked fine. Full log available at

Is this an intended breaking change?

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