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Subject: Re: [boost] [range] #11202: boost.sort header conflicts with boost.range header
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-08-29 10:20:21

Edward Diener wrote:

> The right thing would be for the sort library to change its boost::sort
> namespace name to something else, like boost::sortlib, so as not to
> conflict with range's boost::sort algorithm. In general there should be no
> boost:: namespace names with the same name as a std:: algorithm as this
> will conflict with range's mimicking the standard algorithms with a range
> instead of iterators.

This made sense in the past when we put everything in boost:: but I'm not
sure it makes sense today. Our current de-facto policy is one namespace per
library matching its name, and nothing else in boost::. This is the only
approach that scales.

So I'd say that it's Range that needs to yield rather than Sort (which does
everything by the book).

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