Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Trac
From: braden (braden_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-09-07 14:59:49
Robert Ramey wrote
> Could we agree to stop using the Trac system? The github issues/pr
> system is much more functional. I propose we close the trac system to
> new issues - be of course leave it available for reference.
As of this writing, the "Reporting and Fixing Bugs" link on the right side
of the boost.org main page directs to a page that further directs bug
reporters to Trac.
Since Trac has been disabled, that link now serves a page with a "permission
denied" message.
Now, as a Boost user, I fully support the concept of using a bug tracking
system that lives close to the code and will be visible to and actively used
by Boost developers. I make that remark to note that this posting should not
be taken as a criticism of the actions taken so far. But the current state
of affairs with regard to directing users who'd like to file bugs to the
right spot is not a great look.
Perhaps wheels are already turning here and an update is in progress. If so,
I apologize for harping.
Braden McDaniel
-- Sent from: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-Dev-f2600599.html
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