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Subject: Re: [boost] [release] 1.69.0 deadline for new libraries approaching
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-10-23 14:54:08

On 10/22/18 9:46 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
> On 10/23/2018 12:33 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
>> On 10/22/18 8:02 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
>>> 5. Building a library's documentation with CMake. Quite a number of
>>> libraries currently use the Quickbook -> Boostbook -> html/pdf cycle
>>> with built-in support by Boost Build for this with a jamfile.
>> Maybe - but personally I just build my docs pdf and html with a simple
>> shell script - it's about 5 lines long - easy as pie.
> 1) Shell scripts are different for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSs.
> 2) Please provide your "simple" shell script for any OS, much less all
> of them, that encapsulates the quickbook -> boostbook -> html/pdf
> process in jam files.
> Try to understand that even if you do not use the quickbook -> boostbook
> -> html/pdf build process a great number of libraries do use it, for
> good reason, and those libraries are not going to re-invent the wheel
> just because you have an alternate method for creating documentation.

Here is the the script I use to build html documentation for the safe
numerics library:

if test x = x$BOOST_ROOT
     echo BOOST_ROOT not set
     exit 1
xsltproc --nonet --xinclude bb2db.xsl safe_numerics.xml | xsltproc
--nonet db2html.xsl -
cp pre-boost.jpg ../html
cp pre-boost.jpg ../html/eliminate_runtime_penalty
cp pre-boost.jpg ../html/promotion_policies
cp pre-boost.jpg ../html/tutorial
cp StepperMotor.gif ../html/
cp stepper_profile.png ../html/
cp $BOOST_ROOT/doc/src/boostbook.css ../html
cp -R $BOOST_ROOT/doc/html/images ../html

If you want to use it feel free.

Note that it transforms boostbook => html. How your boostbook file(s)
are created is not addressed here. if you want to include quickbook in
the pipeline or use something like it windows, You'll just have to alter
the script to taste. Sorry I can't do this for you.

Note that it's actual function is to cut B2 out of the mix. This makes
things much, much simpler.

BTW there are other versions to produce pdf and ebook from the boostbook

>> Robert Ramey
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