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Subject: [boost] Regarding BOOST.Astronomy GSOC'19
From: Sarthak Singhal (singhalsarthak2007_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-03-19 12:30:35

Hello everyone,
I am Sarthak Singhal currently in my second year pursuing Computer Science
and Engineering from IIT Kanpur. I have checked out the astronomy library
of boost and the work done on it in previous year's GSOC.
I am interested in making contributions to this library. I am proficient in
C++ and have an experience of about one and a half years. But before that I
want to complete the programming competency test and wanted to know that
whether I have to implement the vector class from scratch or I have use the
part of boost/astronomy/coordinate/cartesian_representation.hpp and some
other header files.

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