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Subject: [boost] Problem with generating file_descriptor suing existing pipe file descriptor
From: Russell West (rgwest61_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-04-10 20:45:42

Our program just installed version 69 of Boost and I am running into a
compile issue that I am not sure how to resolve. Following is the
associated section of C++ code that I am unable to figure out the changes
to get it to compile.

int filedes[2];
if ( pipe(filedes) == 0)
   using namespace boost::iostreams;
   stream<file_descriptor> results(filedes[0], close_handle);

The last provided line of code does not compile with a no matching function
for call to 'boost::iostreams::file_descriptor::file_descriptor(int&,
file_descriptor_flags&)' error.

I noticed in the version of the boost file_descriptor.hpp loaded and being
used the following exists:

    file_descriptor(int fd, file_descriptor_flags);

The associated application attempting to be built and deployed is only for
servers running the Linux operation system so BOOST_IOSTREAMS_WINDOWS is
not enabled, causing the above constructor not to be available.

The other constructor available is file_descriptor(handle_type fd,
but I can not figure out how to generate a detail::file_handle from the
available int file descriptor generated from above pipe command.

Will it cause any issues enabling BOOST_IOSTREAMS_WINDOWS so the required
constructor will be available?

Thanks ahead of time for your time and feedback.

Russell West

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