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From: Gavin Lambert (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-05-17 04:22:08

On 17/05/2019 05:41, Michael Caisse wrote:
> Peter Dimov has updated the Variant2 library based on review acceptance
> criteria. I have reviewed the changes and "OK" Variant2 to be included
> as a Boost library.
> My understanding is that Peter is targeting Variant2 to be available in
> the 1.71.0 release.

Thanks, Peter and Michael!

The updated docs look good.

Minor nitpicks:

   1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the auto lambda visitor in
the Rectangle/Circle example requires at least C++14, not merely C++11.
The C++11 version would be more verbose.

   2. The tutorial provides no indication of when you would want to use
in_place_type or in_place_index.

   3. "Recursive variants are not supported." I assume that you still
can actually make recursive variants using boost::recursive_wrapper
directly? (It works with std::variant.) Or using something else
unique_ptr-like that allows incomplete types.

   4. In the reference section, it would be nice if the "effects:
equivalent to X" had hyperlinks to the reference for the particular X
they're talking about. Given several overloads with the same names (and
where the method name is often buried behind a long return type) it can
take a little while to verify that you've found the right one. :)

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