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From: Mike (mike.dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-08-22 09:06:49

Copying my response here as I accidentally sent my original response only to Hans directly:

> I agree with you, but has to work on all the machines which run the Boost Test matrix,

Does it? Isn't that just a waste of time? IIRC, the script doesn't run unit tests or anything. It just checks
for the presence and content of various files and directories. I don't know, why this has to run
on every test machine.

> I am mainly asking because I would like to replace optparse with argparse, which first appeared in Python2.7.

My opinion: Go ahead.
If this causes trouble on a test machine, that is imho a reason to either fix
the test machine or to not run the script on that machine (just as unit-tests
for c++14 libs are not/should not be run on machines without a c++14 compiler).
It should not hold back development. But I guess Rene or maybe Michael are the
ones who could give a more authoritative answer on that.

> Von: "Paul A Bristow via Boost" <boost_at_[hidden]>
> [..]
> It's even easier than I thought - I idly open a dosbox and typed Python and lo this came up.

What's a dosbox? I guess you didn't mean ? ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist - I.e. I hope, no one is developing boost on a Windows 98/ME system anymore.

But I don't have any preference on how those checks are done. Python tends to be suited way
better for text processing than c++, but if the code is already there, then I agree - hwy reinvent the wheel.

Anyway, if the problems don't get fixed, it doesn't matter what tool is used to detect them.



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