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From: Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-11-25 21:56:59

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 10:12 AM Deniz Bahadir via Boost
<boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Besides, Boost already has some other smaller building-block libraries,
> so FixedString should be in good company.

Based on my experience with Beast, I now prefer developing new Boost
libraries to be smaller and more narrow in scope. FixedString is a
good example, as is Variant2 (I prefer Variant2 in its own library
instead of in say, Boost.Utility).

> I do not really like, that all files have the same name
> "fixed_string.hpp". There is the main one in "boost/fixed_string",
> another one in "boost/fixed_string/detail" and a third one in
> "boost/fixed_string/impl".
> I would prefer these files having some (at least slightly) different names.

Those files are private so you really shouldn't be looking at them
except in the context of a Boost review :)

There is nothing novel here, this follows Asio's naming scheme (which
I copied for Beast, and also for Boost.JSON).

> - This CMakeLists.txt file is written in Traditional CMake (old style
> CMake) although requiring CMake 3.5.1 which knows how to handle Modern
> CMake. You should consider using Modern CMake instead.

The CMakeLists.txt is for building a Visual Studio Project file only,
it is not supported for anything else. This should be mentioned in the as it is for Beast:



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