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From: Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira (vini.ipsmaker_at_[hidden])
Date: 2021-04-01 16:59:50

Em qua., 31 de mar. de 2021 às 10:08, Haoran Xu via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> escreveu:


I like how you understand that the project is also a live experiment to let
the design to unveil itself and that cannot be known in advance. However
can you offer a more detailed timeline? I'm not worried about specifics
such as “function setOutput() should be done by week 2”, but I think you
can give a general idea of what we could do with the WIP by each week (e.g.
by week 3 comments will be understood in the parsing algorithm). The
timeline is already realistic (e.g. you understood that setting github
infra takes time and first week will be used to that alone), but I think
you can still improve it a little.

Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira

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