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From: Nya Nya (nyanyasan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2022-04-23 16:36:19

I would like to add two member functions, `at(size_type)` and `to_ullong()`, and since C++11, the constructor is promoted from `unsigned long` to `unsigned long long`.

1. at(size_type)
   I think it's necessary to have a member function that does bounds checking and throws exceptions.

2. dynamic_bitset(size_type, unsigned long long, const Allocator&) & to_ullong()
   The constructor of std::bitset is unsigned long long since C++11, and a new member function `to_ullong()` has also been added. I know this library needs to be compatible with C++03, but I think it can be solved with the macro `BOOST_NO_LONG_LONG`.

Now I have submitted a pull request for the member function `at(size_type)`. If allowed, I will submit a pull request for unsigned long long later.


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