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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-09-21 14:03:17


This is a reminder that Boost.Scope is looking for endorsements and a
review manager. Following is an excerpt from the previous announcement,
describing the library.

Boost.Scope is a small library implementing utilities defined in
<experimental/scope> from C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals v3
with a few extensions. Namely, the library contains:

* A number of scope guards for various use cases.
* A unique resource wrapper that automatically frees the resource on
* Utilities for wrapping POSIX-like file descriptors in the unique
resource wrapper.

Compared to <experimental/scope>, some notable extensions are:

* A new scope_final scope guard, which is a more lightweight alternative
to scope_exit. It is accompanied with the BOOST_SCOPE_FINAL macro that
allows to simplify scope guard declaration syntax.
* Scope guards can be activated/deactivated multiple times.
* Scope guards can be created inactive initially.
* Scope guard factory functions, for compatibility with C++11.
* Support for optional resource traits in unique_resource wrapper, which
improves usage with resources having unallocated values.
* unique_resource supports swapping.
* unique_resource supports dereferencing for any resource types that
support dereferencing, not only pointers.
* More flexible constructors for unique_resource.

The library requires C++11 at the minimum and will significantly benefit
from C++17.



The library is tested in CI and used in production in one of my projects.


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