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From: Alan de Freitas (alandefreitas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-10-02 21:05:48

I completely share this concern.
Even Asio claims to be "Async I/O" with its name, which is less specific
than "Async 'Anything'". And this library is more specific than Asio. Not
more generic.

If I saw some library named "Async" on github, I wouldn't be expecting only
Async I/O.
I'd be expecting introductory examples showing me how to calculate π using
my GPU the best it can without any references to coroutines or I/O, which
would be optional.
Or how to train my AI model using a GPU cluster. Or how to optimize a
function using all of my computer's processing power. *And* some examples
involving I/O.
It wouldn't have that single-thread limitation, either. Even if it's a bad
idea for some use cases because the branding makes a promise to cover all

To be clear, the limitation might be OK because it's justified for the use
case. Only the relationship with the name seems problematic.
Also to be clear, I'm not saying we need these libraries to help me work
with GPUs.

I don't have a good alternative because identifying a problem with a name
is much easier than coming up with good names, let alone good names that
Klemens would like.
But I can say I like names like Boost.CoAsio better than Boost.Async. It
clearly describes that it's about coroutine extensions for Asio.
And we do need some Asio extensions because Asio involves lots of concepts
and their concrete implementations don't always fit in Boost.Asio or

Em seg., 2 de out. de 2023 às 11:39, Niall Douglas via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> escreveu:

> Dear Boost,
> I have received a non-public review which raises concerns about the
> naming land grab by proposed Boost.Async i.e. a Boost library called
> "Async" claims too much through its name.
> Seeing as nobody here has raised this concern to date, can I confirm
> everybody here is fine with proposed Boost.Async being called Boost.Async?
> If you are not, please suggest a preferred alternative name.
> Niall
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Alan Freitas

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