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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-02-04 21:39:09

On 2/5/24 00:25, g.peterhoff--- via Boost wrote:
>> I will open issues based on what I can confirm from your test set. It looks like John is handling the type_traits additions.
> It would be nice if something would actually happen. The bug trackers are full, but (with a few exceptions) *nothing* happens.
> My point of view:
> boost has done a lot for C++11, or rather, this is what made C++11 possible in the first place.
> But you've been stuck with it ever since. Newer C++ versions are not even taken into account or use very old (highly buggy) code for C++03 because no updates have been made. This applies to almost all libraries.
> boost has thus developed from a progressive to a conservative library.
> Very often it also happens that requests are shot down immediately. According to the motto "Nobody has needed this before, so you don't need it either!".

So what's your point?

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