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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-02-05 09:07:26

On 04/02/2024 23:22, g.peterhoff--- via Boost wrote:
>> So what's your point?
> a) boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp
> manual name_of, although it would be no problem to add a simple nameof in boost/core/demagle.hpp:
> template <typename Type>
> inline std::string nameof()
> {
> return demangle(typeid(Type).name());
> }
It's trivially simple, it has no external dependencies, and it works
perfectly well for our (very limited) requirements.
> b) boost/math/policies/policity.hpp
> manual "variadic templates"

Sure, it was written a while ago.  It could now be re-written in a more
modern style.

As it happens, I'm currently working on improving code coverage
throughout Boost Math, and when I see a C++03-ism that's no longer
required I'm replacing/removing it as I go along.  But here's the thing,
*I don't go looking for work* there are better things to do, and if I
were to rewrite all my code each time a new standard came out, then I
would literally never get anything useful done.


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